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Forumi : Splošno : Anarhizem kot zvrst satanizma Forum je bil aktiven 2002 - 2012
1. Neznanec/ka

Proudhon wrote:

"Come Satan, slandered by the small and by kings. God is stupidity and cowardice; God is hypocrisy and falsehood; God is tyranny and poverty; God is evil...I swear, God, with my hand starched out towards the heavens, that you are nothing more than the executioner of my reason, the scepter of my conscience...God is essentially anticivilized, antiliberal and antihuman."

Likewise, Bakunin wrote:

"The Evil One is the Satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund germ of all human emancipation, the revolution. Satan is the eternal rebel, the first thinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, urging him to disobey and eat the fruit of knowledge."

2. Neznanec/ka
kako grozno jemanje iz konteksta. lepo da si dodal/a link da si vsak lahko pogleda kontekst v katerega sta doticna citata vzeta in ugotovi, da anarhizem ni nikakrsna zvrst satanizma.


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