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Forumi : Aktualne teme : peticija italija - francija Forum je bil aktiven 2002 - 2012
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Peticija, ki bi jo bilo zelo nujno podpisati in dati naprej v obtok!

Gre za italijanske politične begunce iz sedemdesetih let, ki so dobili politični azil v Franciji, zdaj pa zaradi trenutnega političnega in splošnega družbenega vzdušja vsem skupaj grozi, da se po 30 letih znajdejo v zaporu. Oreste Scalzone je eden izmed glavnih idejnih "vodij" italijanskega revolucionarnega in protifašističnega gibanja takrat, živi v izgonu v Parizu, trenutno pa (pri 43kg!) gladovno stavka v znak protesta proti absurdnosti situacije, v kateri so se znašli številni ljudje, ki so si v tem času v Franciji že ustvarili družine, zdaj pa jim grozi sodni pregon, in za to, da bi se različna gibanja skupaj zavzela za spremembe...
Peticija je tudi poziv, naj s svojo gladovno stavko preneha, saj s tem nevarno ogroža svoje zdravje.
več na (fra in it) in (na žalost samo v francoščini)

A M N E S T Y I T A L Y !

Whatever are the differences of our political and European ideas, in front of blind and deaf powers in Italy as in France concerning the balance of the lead years, we show solidarity to support the hunger strike of Italian Oreste Scalzone, whose objectives are the following ones:

- Appeal to the individual, associative, union, and/or confederate popular initiatives, to ask for the immediate restoring of the forms of "enfeeblement" of the execution of punishment, statutory prison Italian said " reform gozzini ", today hollowed out and congealed.

- Call for a campaign to an Italian referendum in matter of amnesty and indulto (remission), to overrule the special law of 1992, which brought up the quorum of the simple majority to the two thirds or to the "qualified majority" (what blocks any change of the law), for the approval of a law of amnesty or indulto (remission).

- Launch of a campaign for a " law of popular initiative " rehabilitating the project of indulto of 1997, which had been abandoned in spite of its approval by the Committee " Justice " of the Chamber of representatives.

For our part, we call to support and to promote these initiatives for the respect of the civil liberties and in a similar respect for our diverse purposes and for our positions. We know here the expectations of the political refugees threatened with extradition and we know there the abusive conditions about their prisoners companions, in the term of the same lawsuits under charges and punishments by the laws of exception -which continue beyond their former time.

We confirm our support for Oreste Scalzone, noticing right now that the call by its own body is understood and that all kinds of individual and/or common united actions, whatever they are from the part of citizens, persons, or militants, will follow and will be hear in echo of his movement growing. In matter of fact we ask him to suspend immediately the hunger strike, knowing it upstarts to the point that his health can announce very serious or irreversible aftereffects.

Aware of the difficult environment to propagate this call in the traditionnal medias, nevertheless we call to pass on this petition to newspapers, to radios, to TV, and in their forums on Internet -by the way of our respective means and all those of our correspondents.

Finally, we call to inform this appeal to signatures and its links in all the sites, to put active titles " Amnesty Italy Sign on ", as well as to indicate it in the forums and the alternate medias, and by email via mailing lists and via the lists of discussions.

Here and now, since April 20th, 2005,

Surname and name (or organization) :

City :

Country :

Email ( if you have an explicit demand in yur message to have your electronic address published ):

to the intention of :

* Any mistakes -grammar or words- to be corrected by the senders. Thanks.
Please copy-paste this petition as message in a email and countersign it to respost it to:
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